
Here is list of projects where we collected valuable experiences and positive feedback.


  • PPL Brunner Island Unit 1 & 2 (design and stress analysis of main steam, hot reheat and BOP piping)

  • Merrimack Unit 2 (design and stress analysis of BOP piping connected to the turbine)

  • Oak Creek (design of secondary cooling circuit for turbine oil)

  • Santee cooper (risk analysis of unbalanced high pressure steam piping)

  • Dell Arkansas Unit 1 & 2 (stress analysis of heat recovery steam generator piping system with pipe hanger selection)

  • Naughton Unit 2 (developing 3D model for pre-bid concept engineering)

  • Baldwin Unit 2 (developing 3D model for pre-bid concept engineering, in second stage design and stress analysis of drain piping, natural frequency check)

  • Point Beach Unit 1 & 2 (design and stress analysis of loop piping from interceptor reheat valve into turbine)

  • Crist Unit 6 (concept modeling in 3D, design and stress analysis of main steam and BOP piping)

  • NPP Angra Unit 1 (stress analysis of nuclear qualified circulation piping into steam generator, jet-impingement hanger control)

  • Brunner Island Unit 3 (stress analysis of unbalanced main steam piping with solution in hanger adjustment, discovered turbine instability with cover off)

  • Ledvice (detail design of steel platforms)

  • Mydlovary (detail design of pipe lines)

  • Karn Unit 1 & 2 (design and stress analysis of main steam, hot reheat and BOP piping, new floating valve concept with design of transitional frame)

  • Montour 1 & 2 (stress analysis of unbalanced main steam piping with solution in hanger adjustment, discovered turbine instability with cover off)

  • Paroseni 4 (design and stress analysis of fly ash, bottom ash, slurry, compressed air and water piping)



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